New Home and Durham Mission​ary Baptist Association, Inc.
New Home and Durham Mission​ary Baptist Association, Inc.
New Home and Durham Food Bank
​New Home & Durham Food Bank
New Home and Durham Missionary Baptist Association
6611 Guess Road
P. O. Box 71046
Durham, NC 27722
January 1, 2025
After a brief delay in January, our Bradshaw, Jones and Umstead Women’s Auxiliary Food Bank of New Home and Durham Missionary Baptist Association is eagerly ready to move forward. Reverend Henry King and wife Mrs. Beatrice King have passionately agreed to be chair and co-chair of this great feeding ministry. Look at God, he always provides. Thank You God!!!
Again in 2025, we have experienced God’s power in His protection, provision, and salvation. Our recipients have increased as well as our donors of non-perishable and perishable items. It has been a super and productive year! So in 2025, let’s stand on God word and see His manifestations.
The recipients and auxiliary members will continue receive a calling post message 1 days before the 3rd Thursday to remind them of the date and hour and give the name of the host church. The number that shows up on your phone is 405-308-4474.
You our faithful doers of God’s word have marched continuously meeting God words: “For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat…. (Mat 25:35)” and as God has given strength for us to be steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord…. (1Cor 15:58).
Next is our schedule for each church during 2025 below:
• January – Jones Grove
• February – Orange Cross Road
• March – Greater Orange Grove
• April – Mt. Bright
• May – Lipscomb Grove
• June – Chestnut Grove
• July – Lakeview
• August – Glenns Grove
• September – Mt. Olive/Missionary
• October – Faith Baptist
• November – Cain’s
• December – Northside​
The hours of operation are 9:30 AM until food is out on the third Thursday and the fourth Tuesday of each month. If your Church completes the tally and sign-in sheets before they arrive; it not necessary to be at the association until 9:00 am.
Our outline for the morning is:
8am – 9am Food from the church is received, tallied, dates are verified and place in order for distribution
9:15 am Prayer is done
9:30 am – until food is out
•Recipients complete an application and/or is checked in
Participants selected what they need from our supply
•Volunteers take the cards from the participants and file them back in order
Noon - Left over items are placed in Tupperware containers for the next month
We continue to collect shelf-stable food items like meats and stews, breakfast items, packaged noodles, canned vegetables, fruit, 100% Juice boxes, milk, raisins, snack bars and we now have small freezer for hold meat and etc.
Father, we pray that New Home & Durham Missionary Baptist Association and The Women’s Auxiliary might be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, in order that we might walk worthy of You. I pray that we not be anxious, saying “What will we eat?” or “what shall we drink?” or “With what shall we clothe ourselves?” For all these things the Gentiles eagerly seek. For You know, Heavenly Father, that we need all these things. We pray that we will seek first Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, and all these things shall be added to us. Amen!
God Bless You!
Reverend Henry A. King, Chair
Mrs. Beatrice King, Co-chair